Tiffany Fenmore (President):
Tiffany has adopted cats from PAWSitively CATS and has been a volunteer for over 10 years.
Riisa Peterson-Mandel (Vice President):
Riisa has been a PAWSitively CATS supporter for more than 10 years.
Janet Emel (Secretary):
Janet has been a foster for PAWSitively Cats since June 2013 and has fallen in love many times over with her foster kits. She has worked for Pima County as a land use planner for 24 years and lived in Tucson for 35 years after coming here from Minneapolis. She has supported animal welfare efforts since forever. Three cats have agreed to share their home with her - Lilly (pictured), Iman, and Nellie – and have tentatively agreed to her fostering activities.
PAWSitively CATS Founder and Executive Director:
Sheryl Campbell: Sheryl has 20 years experience in non-profit small business management. She has spent the last five years directly involved in cat rescue, beginning as a volunteer and then taking a position as business manager of a no-kill cat shelter. She has seven years experience in Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) of feral cats, working independently to trap, neuter and return a colony of 40+ cats.
Ms. Campbell has a deep concern for the welfare of all animals. The plight of abandoned cats has ignited in her a passion to offer quality shelter to the cats, education on the value of TNR to the public, and low-cost spay/neuter service to reduce the number of homeless cats on the streets of Tucson.